The weather has been merciless on the farmers. I blogged about the floods, then the drought, and now that the poor parched and beaten crops are ready to harvest, mother nature sees fit to send twenty one straight days of rain. There is very little left in the fields to harvest at this point. Today is the second day that it has not rained and the farmers here are out in the fields picking up the pieces of their dreams that did not wash away. It is sad but a reminder that life is never certain and we must not take it for granted.
The rain not only destroyed the crops but with the atmospheric pressure I had many severe migraine headaches. The pain from the relentless migraines and the depression of losing our crops to all of the rain left me almost mindless and without any direction. I just painted and layered color after color, at times frenzied brush strokes and then other times I found myself delicately brushing the paint and canvas, I was reminded of the opposition that I like so much in art and how one complements the other. I began to think more about the paint and less about the subject matter, it was as if a portal in my brain was opened and I could more clearly understand the non objective subject of art. I am sure that there are painters that do this easily and every day but for me non objective abstraction is the most complicated and the hardest art to paint. I fret over when I think it is finished or if I need more color, or if it warm enough and the list goes on and on. Usually, non objective painting is much like a foreign film to me with no caption lines to read. I love to look at it but often I do not understand it. Biologically I am not sure that there is any correlation between pain and discomfort and the opening of doors in one's mind, but I am almost certain that it happened to me. I painted some of the most satisfying work that day and since I kept having migraines for the next several weeks the work continued to flow in this non objective pattern of paintings. I have to admit I have done some non objective work before but I struggled through every painting, trying to fight finding something representational in it and capitalizing on it. The work that I painted the last few weeks was for me, the purest art I think I have ever painted. I am almost hesitant to post it, for fear of rejection, but I would be defeating the purpose of stepping outside the box if I did not show this work.

Cathy Hegman
36 x 36 Acrylic on canvas
36 x 36 Acrylic on canvas

Eye on the Sparrow
Cathy Hegman
48 x 48 Acrylic on Canvas
The above two paintings are part of my "Visionary" Series. My thought for these was one of pure design of shape,color and form. The quality that stands out is not thought provoking but one of visual provocation. I think I began to understand with these paintings, the beauty of non objective lies in the texture,color, and shapes in the painting for what they are as they exist and not what they could symbolize or represent. I added small meaningful marks that hint at more than just the designed shapes but I think the comfort lies in the design, placement and color on the canvas. I also noted that I used much more subdued hues in these paintings, probably due to the layering and addition and subtraction of layers. This was a true revelation for me on my journey in art. I am not sure that this door will stay open or ajar forever but for now the non objective art has a strong place in my repertoire of art! Cathy Hegman
48 x 48 Acrylic on Canvas
Take care and have a great month!
Cathy Hegman
All artwork and text included in this blog is copyright protected by Cathy Hegman and should not be reproduced in any form or fashion or used without the written permission of Cathy Hegman. All text and artwork included in this blog are solely the thoughts and original art of the artist, Cathy Hegman, unless otherwise noted, and are meant only to be guidelines and thoughts for others to read.